Sally Wesley On Hearing God's Voice
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. (Psalms 139:16 NLT)
Sally Wesley has an amazing story of perseverance and knowing God's voice! The last line says it all peeps!!
She writes, "God speaks to me loudly and forcefully because I am one of his children that he made hard-headed and strong-willed, desiring to be in control. In general, my life has been wonderful! Never too much to deal with. In fact, too good to be true! When I desired a child, a beautiful, strong-willed daughter was born. When I desired another, 2 wonderful boys were received. That was the first "bump" in the road: 7 weeks pre-mature. One was very sick, but through it all, God gave me a PEACE about the whole experience. I never doubted that HE would take care of this baby and he did. Next bump came when my daughter was 12 years old and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. FEAR did cross my mind but again the LORD put a wonderful doctor in our lives who told us that she would be fine. She went through a lot but she was fine. Again, PEACE through the storm! The latest bump, well, it's on my head or in it! I had symptoms (disorientation, dizziness) for about 4 weeks when I finally decided to see a doctor. An entire week passed without any results. Then one day, I had what I called an "episode" which was a seizure, blacked out, and fell down 5 brick steps and into a natural area. I should have hit the sidewalk head first but "SOMEONE" lifted me up and over to safe ground. WAKE UP CALL!! This is where God said, "I've tried to make you aware and you're not paying close attention!" Now, do I think God wanted me to fall? Absolutely not! BUT I do think he allowed me to fall so that I could see that this was serious. Next day brought all kinds of tests including an MRI which showed a BENIGN tumor on my brain. Did you get that? BENIGN! Again PEACE! It must come out because it is causing the seizures and will continue to grow. Thank you Jesus for being a loving, forceful Father who takes care of me and I KNOW THAT YOU ARE IN CONTROL! These "bumps" may have seemed bad (bad is different for everyone) however I have confidence that my Lord will take care of me. He's knows the story...he wrote it."
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