Monday, October 12, 2015

Spiritual Selfie

So this week, I'm circling around vanity.  It seems like such a harsh word... VANITY.  We think, "no, that's not me."  But peeps, we live in an insanely "me" focused world.  I'm gonna start off with the ole selfie...

Y'all, I have to confess.  I have a love/hate relationship with selfies.  

On one hand, they are fun.  It's fun to see a friend and be able to take a picture with them.  Remember the days of turning the camera around and hoping that the selfie picture would come out?  And you would't know for days.  Unless it was a Polaroid.  Then you'd have to shake, shake, shake until the picture was clear.  

On the other hand, they can get a little bit too much.  I think about this when I take one.  It takes a ton of pictures and perfect angles to make a good one.  And then the editing.  I end up wondering WHY I even attempted it in the first place.  Usually it's just to show my husband my new bangs and it ends up a disaster.  

Then I have peeps that make gorgeous ones and I love them.  And I never even think, "Wow, she just took a picture of herself."  (Like I do about some peeps).  

Then there are peeps that post them constantly.  And I wonder about the selfie addicted peeps.  How much time to they take doing this?  And I wonder what's on their camera roll...

So what is on your camera roll?

I stopped and took a second to check on my photo vanity.  I'm going back to the last ten, and laying it out there for you guys!  Here's to honesty!!  Here we go...

Number 10... I picture of me one my horse.  Vanity level... 7
Number 9... Cat drinking champagne.  Vanity level... 2
Number 8...Horse's leg (I had to send it to the vet).  Vanity level... 1
Number 7... Jerome and I at our wedding.  Vanity level... 4ish  (It's a cute picture and I just wanted to look at it.  
Number 6... Cat in a mailbox.  Vanity level... 2
Number 5... All my "gig" purses.  It was so ungig-like.  And I just took the pic for me.  Sooooo vanity level... 3
Number 4...Jerome and me playing a show in Nashville.  Vanity level... 5
Number 3... Clouds as we came into Birmingham.  Vanity level... 6ish (I knew it would get retweeted, so there's that)
Number 2... A Johnny Cash quote.  Vanity level... 2
Number 1... One of my kiddos getting a horse.  Vanity level... 2

Ok, so not that bad.  But that's just a few days of pics.  There ain't no telling how vain I'd be if I looked through the whole camera roll.  Eeeeek.  Not sure I wanna go there...

What about you?  What do your last ten pictures say about you?

The problem with these edited and cropped pictures with an over produced focal point, is that it has led us down a path of seeing the world in tunnel vision.  We see a person's apprearance from a selfie.  We see a persons life from social media.  We see our child's life or our meal through a 5" phone screen.  We can now clean up our memories with a push of a button.  

But what if we could turn that screen shot around and take a spiritual selfie?  

No filter.

No cropping.

No enhancement.  

Peeps, God does not edit and crop and touch up and filter our heart when we are standing in front of Him.  We can hope for that as we walk around our world with blinders on, but it's just not true.  

In 1 Samuel, the Lord tells Samuel (when looking for David... the next king), "The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."  (From 1 Samuel 16:7)

Y'all, even thousands of years ago, peeps were judging by appearance.  Now right here in 2015, we have raised a generation that judges.  We see someone's life on social media and say/think it's fake or wish it was ours.  Or we see their life on social media and think they are vain.  It really can end up a teeny tiny (or SUPER big) vanity contest.  

When it comes down to it, we live in a vain society.  We spend about 8 MILLION on cosmetics a year in the U.S.  I'm not saying don't get your hair done and trash the mascara.  I'm saying stop and think before you do anything.  

Take a spiritual selfie...

Why are you taking that picture?  Really?  Why?  

Why are you saying what you're saying?  Really?  Does it need to be said...Why?

Why are wearing what you are wearing?  Really?  Deep down... Why?

Quit cropping and editing, because what really matters is your sweet Father.  And He ain't got no time for all that.  

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