Howdy BBs! Brunette BB here and I just had to share a story with you guys. This is one I shared yesterday with my kids in our worship service at church. It is FO SHO BB inspired. I do LOVE spreading a little BB love to those kiddos!!
So my daddy is an artist…a painter to be exact. He paints most anything and everything…usually large paintings. Every time he starts a painting, he puts the canvas up on the easel and then we (my brother and I) usually get a phone call or a text telling us how wonderful it is going to be. But BBs, all I ever see is a big ole white canvas of nothingness. Ain't gonna lie. And he explains all this fabulousness... And I still just see a big ole white canvas.
THEN he preps for the painting. There will be dark places and light places and a few shades in between. When I say places, read blotches! Then he sits back in his recliner and calls or texts us and tells how wonderful it is!! And yet again, all we see is big blotches of dark and light places.
Next he starts painting the basic structures of the painting…lines and shapes and more blotches, and you guessed it… we get a phone call.
This process goes on for days and days and my brother and I are always sending him silly messages back about his happy swan or his weathered tree. We laugh, but really we know what’s going to happen. It's going to be some major amazingness!!
My favorite day is the LAST one. Not because the process is over, but because THIS is when the painting comes to life!! It’s all in the details, BBs. He will add a single brush stroke and the feather on that silly swan comes swooping off the dang canvas! A single blotty kinda motion and… TA DA… mossy castle wall. Sometimes he will walk over with tweezers and add beads as sprinkles on a cupcake or a jewel in the top of a crown or a real pearl as some sort of ornamentation. And the final touch makes the whole masterpiece.
And then we all come to the living room and he sits back... completely satisfied with his hard work. And it is good...REALLY good...BEYOND good.
Now this is exactly as I see God creating our universe. Instead of just a painting, He created something more beautifully orchestrated than Mozart’s most intriguing opera mixed with Chopin’s most lovely concerto mixed with a painting more detailed and brilliant than the Sistine Chapel mixed with a sculpture more breathtaking than anything Michealangelo could have ever imagined. And what, my friends, was his final detail? Well let’s review…
Day 1: He created the heavens and the earth
Day 2: Sky and sea were formed
Day 3: Land was formed amongst the sea and plants covered the earth
Day 4: Light was given… the sun and moon
Day 5: He created birds and sea creatures
Day 6: Animals were created and THEN, last but certainly NOT least, man and woman
Day 7: God rested and called the seventh day holy
So what was the last thing He did before resting? After He created this universe and all of the insanely detailed things that are in it (I mean come on... how creative is HE to have made a platypus or one of those glow in the dark fish or a plant that looks like a monkey's bootie), He stepped back and made his final brush stroke. And he looked at His BBs (the rest of the Trinity) and said, “This is GOOD!”
BBs, don’t miss this…
YOU are his final brush stroke.
You are the pearl.
You are the jewel.
YOU are the final detail of his masterpiece.
YOU are the finishing touch without which, He could have never made this beautiful universe.
So that leaves you two big truths.
o SHINE, so you can be what you were intended to be. The final brush stroke and jewel of God’s masterpiece for our Savior. And see yourself as beautiful as He does. Even with your mess ups and your nastiest of days and your biggest of denials, He CAN make you white as snow and He DOES see you as a jewel in the crown of creation.
o SEE that others are also a jewel. Lead them to His beautiful Truth. Help them see that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Love them.
BBs, we are beautifully broken. We have big fat messes, BUT that’s not the bigger picture.
We are the crown of creation FOR the only TRUE one that has ever been innocently… Beautifully Broken.
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26
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