Happy New Year, BBs! Can you believe we are already starting a new year? This BB does not do resolutions, so this year I thought that I'd try something a bit new. A word for the year. Something to help me focus and grow and be a better BB.
Ohhhhh, but what word to choose? Some of my friends chose daring. Fabulous, right? Another chose grace. What a beautiful focus that is. This was tough for me, but I was determined to do it. I wanted a theme for the year and I wanted to share it with you guys! So I prayed and prayed over all of BB land. What would the word be?
Over the past few weeks, the word intentional had been circling around in my brain like a vulture ready to pounce my dumbs dumbs. It popped up in devotionals and prayer. It lingered through conversation. It was even focused on in a sermon during the last week of advent. Now that was the final straw.
Y'all, it would... Not... Go away.
And it seemed too drab. Intentional. That's not as fun as daring and not beautiful as grace. But what if I was just looking at it all wrong. What if each of us was intentional each and every day? Intentional in loving. Intentional in true compassion. Intentional in prayer. Intentional in being healthy. Intentional in our work.
It is what makes that grocery store trip more fun because you take time to laugh and joke with the cashier. Each of you walk away better for the five minutes spent together.
It is what makes that plane ride with too many littles toddling by your side more bearable. You are intentional with prayer (instead of just throwing your hands up and asking Jesus to come back right that second), and God calms your heart and mind.
It is what makes that diet and exercise bearable. You make a plan and suddenly God is opening up time slots just for you to squeeze in that workout and that food doesn't look so bad when you think of it as your daily bread.
Being intentional creates open places where joy can creep in and makes every day experiences more fulfilling. It doesn't take away the "fly by the seat of your pants" side of things. No, instead, it adds spice to all things BB.
Being intentional opens the door for God to work your life on an even greater scale! Goodness knows, He was intentional when creating us! And He had a plan so save us all along.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,I know that full well.
your works are wonderful,I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
So, BBs, I invite you on this journey of being intentional. This is going to be messy. I plan every week on Monday morning about 8 a.m, and by 8:15 it's gone to H E double hockey stick in a hand basket. I go where the wind takes me most of the time and I like it. It's my jam.
But this year, I'm going to be intentional. I'm going to be taking baby steps with my BB, Jenny, and I want each of you to follow along! We will have blogs posts from here and other sites. We will have the same ole funny and inspiration pictures and quotes. We will even have funny farm stories from my blog and health and wellness updates from Jenny's blog.
This is going to be fun journey through being intentional in twelve areas: Letting go, loving, wellness, grace, growing, relationships, compassion, moderation, rest, prayer, thanking, shining.
Let's move towards being intentional in body, mind, and soul!
Is intentional not ringing fabulously in your ears? Chose your own word for the year, and then follow us and be intentional about letting your word for the year shine through all of BB land!
This month, we are going to look at being intentional in letting go. The first step towards shining through 2016 that the super stars God made us!
So thankful for each an every BB! We love you all!
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