Wednesday, January 13, 2016

It's My Joy And You Can't Have It

Have you ever had one of those days... weeks... months... that it seemed that every person and every circumstance was trying to just drain the last bit of life and happy out of your body? We've all been there, right?

Sometimes it is illness or an accident that changes your life for a short or long period of time. Circumstances, that are completely out of your control, start to blow your house down like the pig's that was made of straw. 

Sometimes it is poor choices that are causing a ripple affect of consequences throughout your life. You are making good changes, but the effects are still washing over you with every wave. They leave you drowning in a sea of regret.

And other times it is a person that tries to steal your joy. I call these peeps Emotional Vampires. They suck and bleed you dry... sometimes intentionally and sometimes without meaning to deplete your spirit. They pick at you quietly or they don't respect your boundaries.

I have been through so many of these circumstances... my mother's cancer, loss of a brother to illness, divorce, bad decisions, and I'm pretty sure that I attract Emotional Vampires. The hardest for me to deal with are the things of which I have no control. Isn't that frustrating? The ole sneaky snake loves to attack from all fronts.

Last week, I shared some stories about being attacked by peeps I don't know. It wasn't them, y'all, it was satan attacking me. When I work hard for BB land and when you work hard for the Kingdom, you will be attacked! But that's a while nuther blog!

What it comes down to is that you will face things that bring you to your knees. You just will. And I'm so sorry for that. And for a brief time, you may feel like that problem or person will steal your sanity, and suck the living life out of you. But BBs, by the grace of God, those people and circumstances can NOT still your joy! How can I say that so boldly? Read this!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23 

The FRUIT. One fruit. Within one Spirit. That lives in you if you have given your life to Jesus. The Bible says he dwells in you. That means hovers and sets up camp and isn't going anywhere.

One fruit of the Spirit.  Not kindness or joy or peace or patience, etc. ALL of it. God gave you the Holy Spirit and guess what BBs? He isn't going anywhere. Especially just because things get hard or because you are anxious or depressed or because you are attacked. You have the power of God living in you. And you were made for so much more than this life.

So, you have joy...period. It can't leave. There is no nasty person or difficult event or yuckers decision that is pushing that Spirit out of you. It's a done deal. You are washed in the blood of Jesus. So NO one can take your joy. 

They can try. Satan will... through people or things or circumstances, but it ain't gonna happen. How amazing is that! It just makes me want to throw on my tutu and do a big fat BB dance! 

So the next time you are tired and your eyes feel like there are no more tears to be shed and when you long for something more, remember... and pray. 

Holy Spirit, remind me of the joy in my heart that can never leave. I want to shout for joy and I want my tears to be shed in joy and not in pain. For pain has no place in my heart. Fill my heart with Your fruit that will never leave and never perish. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your patience and love. Thank you for the power that you have placed in me. 

And then BBs, #letgo. 

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