Ya know what burns me up? Mean girls. I hated the show. I hate the idea. And I hate that mean girls make me want to be an even meaner girl. Oh sweet Jesus, thank you for being so deep down in my heart because I could take the mean girl thing to a whole new level. That 90's movie, Cruel Intentions, would look like Bambi in comparison.
My mom never told me "sticks and stones..." probably because it isn't true. Peeps, words do hurt, don't they? Even when spoken out of love. Now I know that mommas were just trying to make kiddos stronger when bullies were on the prowl, but perhaps if we stopped and boogied around in someone else's shoes we wouldn't do a lot of what we do!
Our actions and our words are woven together to make us who we are. Sometimes I'm not proud of things I've said or done. I've prayed deeply about having the correct fire in my brunettish little soul. I want a fire of God and not a fire of this world. I want my life woven with goodness and mercy and not anger and resentment.
Here's the deal... we live in a world that is riveted by communication, but this new platform is a weak form of the art. Social media and texting lend themselves to the writier having no tact and no filter. Written communication, in the wrong hands, can be a dangerous weapon. And we are raising a generation that is unclear on how to use their words. And even more unclear on how to receive yours.
So what if we stopped and thought a second and asked ourselves some questions each time we spoke or posted on social media or texted? What if we took some real personal responsibility?
Would I want my momma to read that?
Would I want my daughter to read that?
Is this the legacy that I want to hand down?
Did God cringe when I typed that?
Am I being reactionary?
Am I posting this to build myself up?
Am I writing this out of love?
Or perhaps as a healthy boundary?
Will someone be better off because of what I said?
Am I working for the Kingdom through this?
Will my children be proud to look back at my actions?
Am I acting as if I want future generations to act?
Words hurt. And in some instances, they kill. (And that's not a stretch). According to the CDC, there is one death by suicide in the US every 12.3 minutes. And considering that depression affects 20-25% of Americans ages 18+ in a given year (CDC), the odds aren't looking good!
Can you even wrap your head around those stats? We have no idea what someone else is going through. We may dislike them, wish they weren't around, wish our lives were difference, but we will never completely know their story. We have absolutely no idea how our words (intentionally ugly or not) will hurt them.
So where are you with all of this?
Maybe you just need to filter a little bit. I hope that's the case. That's where I am. I really, really try to stop and think before I post. I'm not always good at it though.
Maybe you need to simply pray over a pattern of selfish posting. Girl, I get that too!! I've been there! And it is so fixable!
Maybe you are posting and texting and hurting on purpose. And ya know what? The person might even deserve it, but no good comes from harming others. Take a second and look at your own heart and ask God to search you and know you and create a new heart within you. I betcha a big fat cheeseburger that it'll change your life. #letgo
I want to fully surrender in this area. I want to #beintentional with my words and actions. And regardless of where you are with your words, I am praying for you today. Truly I am. And for myself to be better about it as well.
I want us all to shine like bright stars throughout BB land cause there's a whole lotta darkness out there.
A kind man benefits himself, but a cruel man brings trouble on himself. Proverbs 11:17
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