Yesterday, I sat down for lunch, wrote a Facebook post about being intentional, and then a social media battle began. Not with that post, but with another from Twitter. I don't usually share these kind of tales, but God worked on my heart in this situation and turned an anxiety producing incident into something beautiful. But I had to stick with my plan. #beintentional
The tweet read, "Don't believe everything that you see. Even salt looks like sugar."
There was more, of course. This by itself is bland and unsalty. But BBs, this and even more yuckers was tweeted about me. And our blog. And ya know what? It's true. Our blog sometimes looks sugary sweet. But here's the truth. We are a hot broken mess.
And the beautiful thing is that our brokenness is exactly what started this blog! And more importantly our friendship over the broken mess. And what keeps us posting and writing? Our friendship with you and our love of our Savior that delivered us from this broken mess. I so so love being a part of BB land!
One thing I have learned through this blog is to let go. Letting go of the unimportant is what allows us to fly!
Forgive and forget that nasty social media post.
Let go of that opinion. It's just that... an opinion.
Don't dwell on the past. Or the present. Or the future. Cause that's God's job.
Let go of that thing holding you back.
Now does this mean to go through life with reckless abandon? Absolutely not.
Instead, let go for a while and allow God's light to fill that void.
Let Him make your brokenness more beautiful. Let Him bottle and collect those tears in jars... For you.
Quit allowing things of the world to affect, and even more detrimentally, suck away your joy.
Find the beautiful in the broken. That's what this blog is all about. Praising the One that was broken for us. Praising His grace for us for making our nasty ole selves clean.
Now understand that brunettish BB has a fire like no other. And often it can be used for not-so-good. I've been so praying over controling my fiery spirit and letting the fire of God take over my thoughts and heart.
So I read that social media post over. And over. With new eyes. "Fire of God" eyes.
And through prayer, I was intentional about finding the beauty in something ugly.
And all of a sudden, I was inspired.
Be the salt. God called me to be salt. God called you to be salt. I want the BB site to flavor up your day like the best seasoning salt on the shelf.
Jesus tells us...
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”
Matthew 5:13-14 NIV
And even more so, I want this blog, just like salt, to preserve. I want the Word of God preserved in our hearts. I want it to grow and fester so that you can be a strong BB light!!!
So I'm welcoming the salt. Bring it on!!
From now on... Call this BB Salty Spice. HA!!
Now run along and #beintentional today!!
Spice things up BBs!!
Go find the beautiful in the broken!!
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