Friday, December 5, 2014

Thanksgiving Roller Coaster Ride: Advent Week 1

Happy first week of advent BB’s.  I’ve always enjoyed advent.  Although as a good ole southern Baptist (by birth anyway), I just began to understand it.  We are in the first week (Sunday was the first Sunday of advent).  This week is all about hope.  And peeps, I tell ya, I need a big ole serving of hope after most of my Thanksgivings.  Thinking back through the years, I always saw hope as Advent began.  I’m gonna give you a Quinton Tarantino view of my past 10+ years of Thanksgiving.  Hold on, it’s a wild ride.  And you’ll wonder why I don’t get a big ole serving of Xanax after each and every intake of Thanksgiving turkey.

*       *       *

Thanksgiving alone.  Well, I wasn’t completely alone.  I spent time with my sweet family, and then I came home to an empty house…with no power.  I decorated for Christmas in the glow of a shop light on an extension cord.  Talk about humbling.  I had to leave my other home.  I had to do this for my family.  And I had to decorate.  It would remind us of the hope and joy of the coming season.  So I did just that.  Decorate a disheveled house.  And waited on her to come home.

*       *       *

It was cold and windy that day.  I stood at the gate of the arena watching girls prepare for lessons.  It wasn’t going to be a good day for it though.  She asked me, “How’s your mom?”  It was the first time I replied, “Not good at all.”

*       *       *

The barn was so quiet that morning.  All the riders were out of town, so I had the farm to myself.  I walked in and said, “Good morning ponies,” as I always did, but no one replied.  Yes, I know they are ponies, but I usually got a little bitty whinny from Aunt Bee. I went to her stall and she was laying down… somewhat uncomfortably.  I rearranged her little legs and called the vet.  She ate a little, but wouldn’t stand up.  We gave JoJo the choice of what to do…put Aunt Bee to sleep or try an adrenalin shot that would help her stand and hopefully give her a few more weeks.  The shot didn’t work.  Bee wouldn’t stand.  Josephine knew.

*       *       *

"Stella," so we called her, was a beast… fibroid tumor that was causing havoc with my little body.  I was in constant pain.  It reminded me of the pre-term labor.  The cramps.  The confinement.  I felt like I was missing out on life with every passing day.  Why couldn’t they rush the surgery?  Why was God doing this to me?  I just wanted to enjoy seeing my baby girl dress up for Halloween and hear my family laugh at Thanksgiving without pain.  Another Thanksgiving down the drain…

*       *       *

I was so tired of that drive…winding over Hugh Daniel, stop and go traffic down 280, the long walk to the doctor’s office (just to turn around and take the long walk to the birthing suites knowing it wasn’t time).  It was always scary.  I was always in a lot of pain. I was usually alone.  So I watched the leaves.  They danced and played and kept me entertained.  My grandmother actually wrote a poem about just that very thing.  I would think about it and remember.

*       *       *

She knelt down and kissed her forehead and told her how wonderful heaven would be.  She told her to not lose hope, because it was so, so bright and beautiful there with God.  And we said goodbye again… on Thanksgiving.

*       *       *

Aunt Bee was my little girl’s pony that was a feisty little 30+ year old babysitter.  She was drug all over the property by my 3-year-old daughter.  They would sit on the porch together and JoJo would swing and Bee would stand there, so very attentive.  This particular morning it was raining.  Jojo and Bee were under an umbrella on the front porch and Jo was swinging.  I have always talked to JoJo’s ponies by putting my head right on their brow and whispering things.  Usually asking them to take care of my baby girl.  Strangely, they always seem to listen so carefully.  That morning I simply whispered into those old and failing ears, “Please hang on til after Thanksgiving.”

*       *       *

I received a call from Mother.  The weak little voice on the other end of the phone asked if I could help decorate for Christmas early.  “But you never want the decorations up this early,” I replied.  “I know, but I want to look at them.  It helps.  It gives me hope,” she said.  So I decorated for Christmas.  Early.  Not understanding why.

*       *       *

That day in the back hall from the birthing suites back to my doctor’s office, I fell to my knees.  “Doc, I just can’t do it.  I can’t walk one more step this dilated.  I can’t take one more contraction.  I can’t do it.  I have no time to recover between contractions.  Please, take her.”  This was NOT like me and she knew it.  She was just what I needed.  In her thick Lousianna accent that was more like a football coach than a sorority girl, she said, “You have to do this.  Pray to God to get you on your feet.  You’re almost there.  Don’t lose hope.”
*       *       *

BBs, there WAS hope, and by God's sweet grace there IS hope!

But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
Romans 8:24-25

12 years ago…
In the early morning hours of Thanksgiving day, I lost my Momma.  The first Sunday of advent for everyone else was a day of Hope and anticipation of the coming holiday.  For me, it was a day of disbelief.  I heard the beautiful music.  I listened to wise pastor.  I even read scripture for her memorial service.  As the receiving line died down, I sat and waited for the place to clear.  But it didn’t.  It filled with hundreds of young voices that were preparing for Christmas candlelight.  As I left, a woman took my hand and said, “Life goes on.”  And it did.  And there was hope.

8 years ago…
The Sunday after Thanksgiving, my beautiful baby was born.  I had struggled and waited so long.  I had always struggled with Thanksgiving.  I would close my eyes all week and pray it went by fast.  This time I was given an unbelievable hope.  Excitement and anticipation couldn’t even describe it.  Never did I understand the miracle of Christmas until I brought my newborn home and prayerfully walked her through the barn.  I took in the sights and smells that sweet Mary took in all those years ago. 

5 years ago…
My friend and mother figure during my pregnancy was a horse.  That’s not a typo.  My sweet horse was pregnant with me.  I joked and said that I was going to write a book called Everything I Learned About Pregnancy, I Learned From A Horse.  This was the year that I was giving her baby colt to my baby girl.  They weren’t babies anymore.  It was time and I prayed that it would give Jojo a sense of hope while knowing she would be losing Bee soon.  New life brought renewed hope.

2 years ago…
“I don’t usually work the weekend after Thanksgiving, but I wanted to get this finished for you.”  “Thank you,” I replied.  I finished my barn work and we walked in and for the first time flipped a switch and had light.  Until you have no electricity, you’ll never understand how appreciative you are for it!  We knew we would get it all fixed up, so we used the time to appreciate how lucky we are.  So many people have so much less than we do.  The lights on the Christmas tree had never seemed so bright.

1 year ago…
The surgery was over.  Thankfully Stella has left the building, so to speak.  I wanted to be home, but I wasn’t ready.  That night we watched movies, and walked, and I was fed and given medicine and unbelievably pampered.  And first the first time in a long, long time, I looked around and realized I wasn’t alone.  I had hope.  Hope in a BB friendship that was stronger than anything I’ve ever imagined.  Hope in a family that helped care for my child and me.  Hope in a man that would be my rock and would soon be my kind and caring husband.  Hope.

1 week ago…
The hope of advent all those years turned into peace. 

And again, Isaiah says, "The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him." May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit
Romans 15:12-13

BB’s I pray that as you walk though the coming weeks, you find hope.  Hope in a Savior so big and kind and so full of grace, you’ll run to the manger with anticipation.  

Friday, July 11, 2014

If I Was Jesus- Befriending thieves, prostitutes, and little peeps in trees

Brunettish BB here and I’d like to talk a minute about Jesus’s friends. Who he reached out to… who he befriended… who he took time to talk to… who was so important that everything stopped and he took time to listen and love and learn their story (even though he already knew it).  One of my favorite songs is that one, “If I was Jesus.”  It’s silly and fun about the character of Christ we forget when we look at His Majesty and Grace.  Just for funzies, here are the lyrics…

"If I Was Jesus"
If I Was Jesus, I'd have some real long hair
A robe and some sandals, is exactly what I'd wear
I'd be the guy at the party, turnin' water to wine
Yeah me and my disciples, we'd have a real good time.

Ooh and I'd lay my life down for you
And I show you who's the boss
I'd forgive you and adore you
While I was hangin' on your cross
If I Was Jesus.

I'd have some friends that were poor
I'd run around with the wrong crowd, man I'd never be bored
Then I'd heal me a blind man, get myself crucified
By politicians and preachers, who got somethin' to hide.

Ooh and I'd lay my life down for you
And I show you who's the boss
I'd forgive you and adore you
While I was hangin' on your cross
If I Was Jesus.

If I Was Jesus, I'd come back from the dead
And I'd walk on some water, just to mess with your head
I know your dark little secrets, I'd look you right in the face
And I'd tell you I love you, with Amazing Grace.

Ooh and I'd lay my life down for you
And I show you who's the boss
I'd forgive you and adore you
While I was hangin' on your cross
If I Was Jesus.

Anyway… back to my point.  Let’s look at some of His peeps.
·      BB’s- pretty sure they were not called that… but his disciplines.  His inner circle, so to speak.  This crew was made of nasty dirty fishermen and others.  They talked too much.  They had selfish questions.  They were prideful.  They were sometimes rowdy and got cool nicknames like “sons of thunder.” 
·      The germy peeps- I have germ issues.  Not crazy germ issues, but touching a leper would be OUT.  Lame people walking and blind seeing again, people grabbing His outfit to make their bleeding stop, and don’t forget the stinky dead friends that were up and living again just from his commandment. 
·      The outcasts-  These were the ones that no one would reach out to, right?  Nope.  Jesus did.  These BB’s messed up.  They weren’t tossed aside because of a disease.  It was because of a bad decision or worse, in a sense… due to circumstance.  These were little tax collectors in trees (we only know of one, but you know there were little peeps who had to try this after ole Z climbed up there).  Or people at the back of the crowd.  Maybe they had been an adulterers or prostitutes.  May they had been possessed.  Maybe, just simply, their husband had died.  Or maybe it was a thief hanging on a tree next to Him. 
·      The “normal” folks-  These were peeps that were seemingly harmless.  Maybe they chose to make dinner or clean instead of soaking in Christ’s Glory.  Or had too much pride that got in the way of trusting Him and admitting weakness, or lied or betrayed Jesus… their best BB.  These were everyday walking around people (sometimes even on water) that thought very little of the brokenness that was consuming them... but they would when their friend was handing on a cross.
·      The kids-  That’s it. Just kids.  Kids… when He was tired and had a long day.  Kids… when everyone else said there was no time.  Kids.  When His BB’s were confused, he stood up for these kiddos.  Saying that “the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

These people do not sound like anyone Jesus would hang with right?  Well, we know He did, so it’s no big shock.  But let’s let that sink in.  There were no rules.  There were no, “oh, I’ll hang with you even more because you are being a good Christian.”  Or, “I shouldn’t be hanging out here.”   Or, “go do this and then I’ll think about being your friend.”  Or “do these things and you can be a part of our group.”   

Go back through that list.  I bet you can name a time you’ve been that person.  The firecracker… guilty.  The one with a sickness that kept you from everything you loved…guilty.  The one accused wrongly of a deed… guilty.  The one that let pride get in the way…guilty.  The adult with a child’s heart that everyone tried to stifle… guilty.  When I typed guilty I meant it y’all.  None of those times, however, was I not seeking Him… even if I had lost my way for a bit. 

Now let’s turn the table.  When was the last time you stopped and took time… not money… not a passing second… true time with one of those peeps listed above?  You’re inner circle friend that needs some BB love?  The sick friend that you avoid because you don’t know what to say?  The broken outcast that has been through trauma?  The normal person that maybe you judge your own sanity against, but that is struggling just like you?  A child that needs an adult to listen and laugh with them.

I’m pretty sure Jesus wouldn’t be sitting politely in church hiding behind pretty furniture or “feel good” songs and going home and doing nothing until next Sunday.  He would be in bars and street corners and homes and church common areas where peeps are “real” and hospitals and Kids Worship areas.  So where are you, BB’s?

Going back to that song.  The line that always gets me, “I’d forgive you and adore you, while I was hangin’ on YOUR cross.”  (Emphasis mine of course).  That’s Jesus.  Persecuted and blamed and crucified by the ones he came to save.  We know that.  But let that sink in…  He took time to love the very people that killed him.  Are you taking time to reach outside the church walls to the very ones God came to save??  The forgotten BB’s that need Jesus?  The ones that don’t look like you?  The ones that don’t act like you?  The ones that you pass and they are almost invisible because of their sadness?  You don’t need to know the dark little secrets as the song says.  But, we are here to do the rest of the song… look BB’s right in the face and tell them we and HE loves them with AMAZING GRACE!!

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.”  Luke 23:34

“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”  Luke 23:46

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Jesus died for us over burnt biscuits… and other stupid stuff.

BB’s, WHAT is our problem? What is our major malfunction?  We are such dumb dumbs.  Had a little discussion and realization about this today. My little girl has been lying this week. Nothing major. And you KNOW this BB had busted her on every single thing. She was testing the waters. And I let her.  

I tried not to scold too much. I didn’t call her out and embarrass her even when she said lied to my face over stupid stuff. (Y'all, like spraying perfume.  HELLO, I have a nose for crying out loud). Don’t get me wrong. I wanted to!  I wanted to jump all over her like a rabid spider monkey. But I chose to wait it out.  

You might think I was being lenient, but I pretty much gave birth to myself. I pay for it daily. I look in a 4 foot tall mirror and see all my mess ups. I try to learn about myself, but that’s part of me too. I have to mess up a few times to get through to this stubborn brain of mine. I knew eventually it would happen… the mess up that led to tears and repentance. No point pushing it until she was ready. I knew she would finally "burn the biscuits"…or something like that.

One thing we all know is that where there is smoke there is fire… and biscuits in the microwave for 2 minutes will lead to enough smoke to fill a tiny house quickly. And fanning the door will not help… so I hear, because surely my smart child wouldn’t think it would help with that much smoke. And I KNOW my smart child wouldn’t think throwing a burning biscuit in the trash would cover her tracks. And I’m SURE this mom, that knew this was coming, wouldn’t roll her eyes so far back in her head that my body thought I did a back flip.

After a deep breath, so that I wouldn’t ship my child to Timbuktu in disbelief that we had a whole week… spring break mind you… of stupid nonsense, we talked. And I prayed God would allow me to treat and see her as He sees her… and as He sees me.  Cause at the moment all I saw was a bratty child that had made a week at home borderline unbearable. And we cried. You know why BB’s??  It’s almost Easter and she burned the biscuits. 

Stay with me a second…

The Lord and Savior of the Universe was lied to by his friends. They tried to sneak things past Him. They didn’t trust Him. They questioned Him. They were jealous of His affection for others. They questioned why He slept when they thought He should be moving and why He traveled when He should have been sleeping and why He ate when they thought He should have been fasting and why and why and why…  They get on my nerves. And then it makes ME get on my nerves. We try to hide burnt biscuits from our God!! Have we LOST our brains???

Our Healer
Our Provider
Our Counselor
Our Creator
Our Deliverer

In three weeks, we are going to spend a day praising God for raising Jesus from the dead. But BB’s, we need to spend time daily realizing something…
Jesus, Son of God and our Savior was


He suffered unbelievable torture and a long, painful death

Over your and my burnt biscuits.

For God so loved the world (that’s you and me peeps!!), that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.  John 3:16

Just like my baby girl couldn’t hide a burning ball of yeast from me, I can’t hide from my Lord and Savior!!! I pray that over the next few weeks that you’ll soak that in. It sounds trite, but it’s not. Jesus was slayed like an animal over our stupid things. For us! So that we can be forgiven and live eternally with Him… IF you are Christian.  And IF you confess and make that realization of GRACE.  

By grace (something given to you that you didn’t deserve), you are saved.  If you aren’t a Christian or maybe you think you are, but aren’t sure, will you message us and let us pray for you?  We aren’t pastors or ministers or whatevs, but we know plenty.  We’d love to help you. 

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.  Ephesians 2:8-9

Friday, February 28, 2014

Eat, Drink, and be Merry??

Eat, Drink, and be Merry...

Ok BB's...get your press pause buttons out and SMACK them! What up BB's!? It’s your blonde BB here and I am going way off the path with a subject God literally smacked me with last night. Ever have those moments where you wake up thinking about something and cant get back to bed cause you just cant get it outta your head? Yeppers. That’s a God Bubble. Think Bit Strip Bubble Thoughts...that’s my God!

So here we go- many of you know that I am a fitness trainer. I work with people everyday on changing their bodies and working towards their goal. We sweat, we work, we giggle, and for a few moments we get to talk. And throughout those talks I am consistently reminded that we ALL have a story.

Something that makes us who we are.
            Something that drives us to better ourselves.
Something that may cripple us.
Something that we may be coping with.

 And that’s what I want to talk about today..coping. We have all heard that peppy little phrase "Eat, Drink, and be Merry", right? I want to share with you a little about my not so merriment. If I were a betting woman, I'd bet there are a lot of you out there who share in my story.
Short of the long of it, I have daddy issues. I grew up hearing, and eventually believing in my utter lack of self worth. I do not know the gentle hand of a Father, at least an earthly one. I know what a belt looks and feels like. I wont go into the details, but that nasty little whisper of "you aren’t good enough" and the scars on my body have derailed me my entire life and manipulated me into making some really bad choices. In my early twenties I completely blocked out my childhood. Because it was too difficult to deal with, I completely blocked out all that abuse and (Say this in your best super hero voice)… I took control! Well so I thought.  Like all things we bury without actually allowing Christ to put an end to, they eventually rise up again in our thoughts and slowly draw us away from our Creator and his wonderful love.
I began to cope by attempting to take control...there were so many things I could NOT control in my life but the one thing I could was FOOD....hence, EAT…or for me, don’t! I began to limit what I consumed to a point where I became sick. On the other hand I also coped when the memories were just too hurtful by escaping and LOSING control, hence DRINK. On a Saturday night I would drown my sorrows to forget the hurt and just...fall...asleep.

Wanna know how MERRY that got me?

My hair started to fall out

My body started to revolt and I had to have my gallbladder removed



Panic attacks




Well that’s a big ole list of pretty right?!! Here's the point bb's: We ALL have a story. And I am quite certain that we are ALL dealing with something that is not so pretty. Here's the joy and hope I want to share with you:

In Christ, and Christ alone, 
can you find peace from whatever you are dealing with.

John 6:54 begins "Whoever feeds of my flesh and drinks of my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him".

Sounds a bit gross when you first ready it but hear what The Father is saying:

"Be full from my love. Drink in what I have done for you. I went to the cross for you. I took on all you have, are, and ever will be going through because I care for you. So much so that I give you an ABIDING, all encompassing, never ending, never failing, I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU LOVE."

BB's, give it over!  He is big enough to take care of whatever your need is. You, quite simply, are not. We are weak and frail. He is strong and righteous. Eat of His flesh, DRINK IN HIS WORD, POUR it into your souls. Let the great physician fix those hurt places and give up your attempts at coping and controlling. And watch the JOY that springs from you. He has and still is freeing me from those chains...wanna know what Merry looks like to me NOW?!?

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His 
wonderful face...
And the things of earth   
will grow
           strangely dim

           In the light of His 
           glory and GRACE.."


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Be Kind Peeps!

So you’ll never believe what I, the brunettish BB, have been dealing with for the past several months… cyber bullying.  A mild version…So mild, in fact, that I’d like to say it’s not bullying at all.  For months now, I’ve had some other women (in a local group that I’m in) posting pictures, comments, and posts in order to stir my BB emotions.  Every time I’d pull up Facebook, it would happen again… another post or comment or picture purposefully trying to stir up the red in my brunette! 

Now, I must interject that I’m not a narcissist, nor am I so self centered that I thought that every post was meant to hurt me; BUT, we’ve all been there.  It’s so easy on social media sites to say something seemingly benign, but purposefully hurtful.  We can mask the comments with “facebook’s not real” and “that was just a general thought that had NOTHING to do with you.”  Isn’t that convenient?  We write anything…FREE SPEECH…under the guise that it’s “not real” and then blame oversensitivity when we hurt someone.  Does anyone else have a problem with this?? I think that’s what bothers me.  I’m embarrassed for saying that it’s bullying.  I mean, I’m nigh on forty years old!  How in the world could I be bullied on the internet, right??

BB’s, let’s get real!  When a female BB’s estrogen is flowing and we are backed in a corner; we are meaner than a rattlesnake chewing bubble gum.  Boy BB’s… you ain’t no better, so don’t walk away too soon.  It’s so easy to pick away at enemies, post by passive aggressive post, to make yourself feel better.  It is way too easy to hide behind the laptop or super duper smart phone and be unkind in this day and age. 

Even if you aren’t all out being a mean girl (or boy), it can be interpreted as if you are.  Now, I have a secret about which I must come clean.  I love Gossip Girl.  There I said it.  I do.  One thing that is really talked about (quite surprisingly) in one of the last seasons is perception.  (Please insert here my sheer embarrassment about the next few sentences and how much I know about this trashy little show).  The original gossip girl prided herself in being truthful.  Now she was still exposing horrible secrets, but they were fact.  Then someone takes over for her and starts posting untrue gossip.  The original GG takes the site back over because of how askewed perception already is when reading anything on a social media site…much less untrue posts. 

Now this is an extreme tv show, but it’s true in our lives today.  One picture, one comment, one post can be perceived as so much more. It is SO easy to take things out of context and jump to conclusions.  Now we do have to remember that sites like Facebook and Twitter are not giving us a clear glimpse of a person’s life, BUT we also have to remember that we have a responsibility to be KIND!  Boasting or taunting or venting is not OK if you are, even slightly in the back of your BB head doing it to be hurtful or because you are jealous, or because you’ve been hurt. 

It can be even more benign.  Single woman posts a comment on a married man’s picture.  They are church friends…the woman, the man, the man’s wife.  No biggie right?  What does the wife think when single girl posts that the guy looks “amazing” in his new profile picture?  What if the couple were already having problems?  Now one argument is that the girl would have no idea, so no responsibility right?  I say wrong.  We don’t ever want to be a stumbling block.  We have to think before we post.  Are we on a path that might hurt… even innocently?  Are we posting that picture because it was a great day and that’s it?  Or are we bragging about the event, the people with whom we were with, etc.?

You KNOW that Satan just LOVES social media.  Not only can it stir up all kinds of mischief through messaging and what people perceive from posts, but also the time it takes away from the One with whom we should be conversing.  I am…write this second…committing to thinking about others when posting on Facebook and Twitter.  Am I being kind?  Am I posting with even the SLIGHTEST motive other than being kind?  And most importantly, am I spending more time on posting or reading posts than I am in the Word of God?  I saw this post the other day and its author gave me permission to share.  I’ve never met her, but she may be our new BBF.

Facebook post by Cheri Brorson

I'm a christian.
I mean, I love Jesus. I try to follow His commands.

I'm conservative.

I own a .40 and will use it.

I believe the bible...
all of it...
even the maps.

I like to cook and bake and to take pictures of it...
and I am not above a selfie.

I love the ocean.
and summer.
and salty air.
and jimmy buffett.

I run.
and walk.
and try to be better.

I've been fat...
and I've been thinner than I am now...

I'm snarky...
and sarcastic...
and have used my words
for good

I've been divorced
and disappointed...
and felt like a failure.

I've made birthdays a national holiday...or tried.

I've been that Target...leaning in and whispering ...
and the mom that is daily amazed by these kids that call her mom ...

I've fallen and failed and entertained thoughts
most unbecoming....

I've spoken too soon...
said too much...
pushed boundaries. ...

I am the model of a perfect mess...

but yall, really, Facebook has made it ok to be unkind...
even if I disagree with you...about....everything... there is still
the ability to be kind.

BB’s help me in this.  I’ve been hurt.  I’m not embarrassed to admit it anymore.  I don’t want to retaliate; I want to be a better person in all this.  I didn’t write this to even speak to those women.  They aren’t my Facebook friends and will probably never see this blog.  I want to be kind and that dang sneaky snake tempter wants me to be mean. WE are the start of this.  Imagine what our teens are going through??  WE are the ones that can teach our children to communicate when they have issues instead of hurting each other in a passive aggressive social media post.  Share this blog and show that you are committing to being kind with me.  Commit to spending 5 minutes to every one minute on Facebook.  Call me out if I fail!  Pretty sure we could rock the BB world if we got behind the wheel of this sinking ship!!!

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

Col 3:12-14 ESV
