Saturday, October 3, 2015

Circles Towards Eternity

So, as I explained Thursday, I'm halfway determined to do this thirty days or riding... well, writing thing.  It's amazing when you commit to something so simple, how truths start flooding around you.  The first day, I started with my big, sweet, cray cray mare and we did circles.  Big ole boring 20 meter circles.  

When I was a young rider in training, we did TONS of circles.  I learned so much about the horse and how she moves underneath me from these circles, so I went back to my roots.  It was fun and my horse loved this little change in training.  And I remembered that lovely feeling of truly feeling the horse underneath me.  

Now yesterday was a little different.  I so wanted to stray from the circles and turns and do something different.  But I didn't... I kept at it.  And it was ok.  My horse was amazing, and I was so tempted to just stop or work on other things or do something harder.  

About that time, when I told myself for the 10th time to just stick with it, I looked up.  Oh BBs, it was beautiful!  As my eyes raise and my thoughts went from "I don't wanna" to "I'm going to keep it up," do you know I saw?

I saw a beautiful horse underneath me.  A huge and strong living creature that was LETTING me control her.  A horse God put in my care for a reason.  

And then I saw my husband.  My sweet husband on his gigantic sweet horse.  They were working hard at walking around the arena.  I saw a man that loves me and loves my passion... not out of a "have to" attitude, but out of an attitude of appreciation for his wife and her interests.

And my little girl ran down the hall.  Instead of watching television or playing video games, she was choosing to spend her afternoon skipping down a barn aisle and petting ponies and playing with kittens.  Who wouldn't, right?

And I saw horses and riders and people that are kind and loving and hardworking.  Something I don't always see as I am going through my day.  

And I saw a farm with a different philosophy.  And it was lovely!  It thrilled my heart.  
Even though sometimes I feel like I lose my passion for these animals, it's always still there.  Through those dang boring circles, I found my passion again.  

It was the repetition that allowed me to understand more fully the simple things that are staring me in the face.  And that's the thing to take away here...

We can take repetition and use it to actually dull out the boring and make things more beautiful.  We CAN circle towards eternity.

That's the beauty of making circles in God's word.  When we feel lost or disconnected, we can read a verse.  Over and over.  And because God's word is living in active, it molds and changes and grows in our hearts.

Now don't hear me wrong... the meaning doesn't change.  We can't change God's word to suit our purpose.  That's a no no, BBs, but it is living and active.  It does grow and change and the mystery of it all diminishes as we grow in wisdom.  

And sometimes wisdom comes in just a simple repeat of the obvious and simple.  

It's about repeating the little things... over and over until we can look up and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.  

I challenge you today, BBs, find somewhere to circle today and see what beauty unfolds!

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