Monday, October 12, 2015

Photo Bomb

So this week, BBs, I'm tackling our vanity.  Now please understand that I may say things this week that you don't wanna hear.  And I don't want to face it either, but we are SO susceptible to vanity!  Jenny and I even wrote about it in one of our first blogs!  In the blogs, Picture Perfect and Picture Pefekt, we talked about being an original masterpiece of God.  But BBs, this can SO circle down the wrong path if we don't think before we act.

This is just another topic that I've been circling around this month, and this is going to be this week's BB journey!

Why do you dress up on Sunday or even on a random Tuesday?

Why do you put on make up?

Why do you dye your hair?

Why do you take selfies or any picture?

Why do you do any thing that you do?

Why do you say anything that you say?

So often we think we are doing such good in the world.  We think our actions are so harmless.  When we step a couple of sashays back, we don't quite have the right intentions.  Our focus on impressing others with our looks or words or confidence or humor.

Are we pleasing God with our actions?  Or ourselves?  

Are we taking time to take capture those thoughts and hash out with God all of the WHY's and motives behind things we do?

It can be as simple as...

Taking a picture.

A prayer.

An outfit.

A seemingly meaningful gesture.

It can be so little, but when they start adding up with not-so-pure intentions, it leads to a circle of vanity.  We are, in fact, living in a more material world.  Madonna was right!  HA!

Now there's nothing wrong with being confident in Christ... or being bold... or being beautiful, but are we stopping to take an inventory?  Are we taking accountability?  Or are we just a walking photo bomb.

"Christians, no less than others, are conditioned and shaped by the culture of which they are apart."
-J. I. Packer, Rediscovering Holiness

“Whatever their bodies do affects their souls. It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out...”  
-C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters  (conversation between two demons)

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.  Colossians 3:2

The sneaky snake would like nothing more than to take these little daily gestures and twist and build them up around you until you are in a circle of vanity. 

So get ready!  This week, it's time for a spiritual selfie!!  

Until tomorrow!



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